Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Difference: I Can Never Swallow

Let's start plain and simple. 

Kado and Nado are good friends in 1979. So are Chendu and Dhendu but in different time, 2019. Kado borrows from Nado Nu 10,000 and Dhendu lends same amount to Chendu. Just a 40-year time gap. Those who have been through both these years would have always felt the difference, but for others who have had not slightest of sensation of the contrast, it may just be a casual "So what? Time's changed". Yes, time's changed but so have "you" indifferently. The two scenes:

SCENE 1 (1979)

Kado: We have had some difficult time this year. I cannot even say frankly. But I also have no other option.
Nado: What happened? Is everything all right? I heard your wife was sick? Is she ok now?
Kado: My wife was sick but now she seems to be getting better . But I still have to attend to her regularly.
Nado: What's the problem? You tell me. How may I help you?
Kado: (keeps quiet, his eyes fixed on floor)
Nado: Can I help you with some money? You don't need to feel so bad. You can pay me back later.
Kado: What can I say?
Nado: How much you want?
Kado: Any amount you say.
Nado: Ok. Take Nu 10,000 now and if you need more, do not hesitate to come back.
Kado: Thank you so much. I and my family will be ever grateful for your kindness. I will return the money as soon as possible.
Nado: Don't worry. You can pay me slowly in 6 months.
Kado: Thank you so much.
(Kado leaves with cash
Kado returns in 2 months, much before the given time)
Kado: Thank you very much for your kind help.
(Kado returns Nado Nu 10,000 and keeps one "yathra" (handloom woolen shawl from Bumthang, costing Nu 500 then) in front of Nado)
Kado: Thank you once again.
Nado: Are you sure you don't need the money? How is your wife? And why you have to bring "yathra"? It is so expensive these days.
Kado: She is much better. We are from Bumthang. My wife says we should offer this “yathra” as a small token of our gratitude. It was lying at home. We did not buy. Kindly accept, we will feel nice.
Nado: Ok. But you come again if you have any problem. And that time don't bring anything.
(Nado thinks Kado might feel offended if he did not accept the gift)
Kado: Yes, we will come.
(both happy: Kado for his friend's kind help, and Nado for being of help to his friend)

Sounds untopian? Fast forward, here's latest

SCENE 2 (2019)

Chendu: Sir, I have small problem. I have done some work and submitted my bill of Nu 20 lakhs.The accountant is on leave. He will come to office in about a month. Can I borrow Nu 1 lakh for a month? I will pay you 10% interest for a month.
Dhendu: I don't have such big sum. You know I had to take my wife to Thimphu for treatment last year. Thimphu is such an expensive place, we even had to borrow from my brother. From where will I have 1 lakh?
Chendu: Ah, yes someone told me about your wife . Actually I can manage with Nu 50,000. Just for one month. You are my friend. With 10% interest I will pay you Nu 55,000. You don't get such rate anywhere.
Dhendu: I had Nu 50,000 but I had to give to my brother last month. He is planning to go to Australia. You need so much money to apply for visa, you know.
Chendu: Sir, I really am in a problem. I would have had no problem but for this rascal accountant. I wanted Nu 50,000 but in this desperate situation I have to manage with Nu 20,000. Can you please lend me Nu 10,000? I will borrow additional Nu 10,000 from Nala . Now you cannot say you don't have even Nu 10,000.
Dhendu: I will give you Nu 10,000 on one condition.
Chendu: Whatever you say. 
Dhendu: You give a cheque dated next month.
Chendu: Of course, I'll give you. I was also thinking about it myself.
(Chendu gives a cheque for Nu 10,000 and walks away with Nu 10,000 cash. 
After 1 month the cheque bounces)
Dhendu: Your cheque bounced. Can you pay my money? It’s one month now. 
Chendu: Do you think I'll run away with your Nu 10,000? I will pay you later. (cuts the call)
(After 1 week, Dhendu calls again Chendu)
Chendu: I am busy. Why the hell do you call me again and again? Am I a thief? 
(Dhendu calls later, no response...may be SIM changed...and feels sad how unscrupulous his friend has turned into!!)

Neither everyone was Kado/Nado then nor all are Chendus and Dhendus now. It's a reflection of societal moral values then and now. Some may think I am exaggerating. If you are a millennial, go and read it through with your dad/grand-dad. They may think the Scenes are a bit of exaggerations but will never ever say its false, its fake. They have "it" in their hearts, I guarantee. Yes, I have sprinkled some sweet/citrus juice on exhibit the difference, the stark difference in moral standards, I can never swallow.

When and where did we exchange our human values (gratefulness, kindness, empathy, humility, modesty, sympathy, compassion...) so completely for money? Forty years have gone by, time has changed. More are into religion, more are educated. There seems no relationship between education (of any kind) and morality. Why "more education" does not knock some moral sense into the intellect? Why is education (throughout the world by and large), only turning in sycophants for powerful and wealthy? Humans have become cold, as cold as cold cash collected by all means, and sold their morality for cheap showmanship with no substance.

It is possible to be wealthy and of high moral characters, of high human values, of high class and dignity, and of high respect and responsibility. Wealth is not a sin when it is the testimony of your intelligence, your hard work, and the purity of your mind and soul. Without these wealth is a sin. Money is not a goal, it is just a mode. When money becomes your goal, you will not know when your wealth has turned into curse. Those poor human facades with twisted minds and rotten souls resting on curse will never ever understand the depth and dimensions of humankind, the likes  of Kado and Nado, their warm hearts and happiness!!

I pin this on our grandchildren generation, not yet in high school now. They are our hope and our future (despite decades of general stink and garbage), our real hope leading to increased awareness of reality, not escaping but sinking into reality, to redefine
  life of success as one filled with peace, harmony, love, affection, kindness and compassion  against the failure of divide, hatred, desperation, corruption, evil and degeneration. Evil is an evil even if one is filthy rich and/or most powerful in this world. No body can resurrect evil, not even God (my strong belief)!!

Monday, May 6, 2019

For What It Is Worth

1.       In societies that are dominated by highly incompatible capability-earning nexus and  therefore lacking in economic openness, the shift of political economy towards centre-left is improbable. The policies and regulations are made that are imbalanced and government-centric right, and are formulated with no inputs whatsoever from public/civil societies. The programs and projects prepared by, and mostly with the governments are more skewed towards consolidating and centralizing bureaucratic hold, and self-serving the clandestine needs of individuals, groups, parties  and/or establishments than serving the overall interest of the nations. The bureaucrats therefore expect private sectors to 'serve' them. The private sectors are passive and do oblige deriving their own bootleg benefits. The perverse incentivisation and lack of strategic investment on system development and human capital obviously erode administrative capacity and capacity to implement. The public and/or civil society leverages for checks-and-balances remain far from reality. How can the private sectors be looked upon as equal development partners (or "engine of growth" as often parroted)?

2.        In current situation do I believe the public servants will make solid contribution in managing transitions to smooth and inclusive governance enabling a gradual political shifts to a point that is best suited for the nations today? Or for that matter and given the present day geopolitical realities, will they make efforts to find the most politically sound places to be? Why would those in comfort zones with very low/no accountabilities move and divest themselves of their almost eternal power/authorities/advantages that enable them procedural, policy, regulatory, systemic  and political corruptions for illicit benefits? Political handouts exacerbate polarization. Corruption is neither a necessity nor an obligation. It's a choice. One has to be either a stupid or a visionary to forego such discretionary choice. They are neither.  So given the differentials, where would the transformational driver of workforce change for innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship come from? Nowhere, in normal circumstances.

3.              But the time now is not normal by any standards. Make no mistake about it. The changes are coming without our being aware of their taking place. The way the three actors - government, commerce and civil society - share power to influence the actions of elected policy-makers and businesses will change substantially in future. The underpinnings are being entwined, public and/or civil society voices are resonating with more clout than ever before .... thanks to the era of social media, big data, analytics and artificial intelligence. These are likely to give further spur to public and/or civil societies on issues like civil liberties, better education systems, result-oriented actions with full accountabilities and others. The reason why some governments frequently seem to court them one day and vilify them in another. But the fact is neither the government nor the public can dictate the pace of the power-share shifts for policy making and business development.

4.              The areas that three actors will have to positively collaborate will include: (i) holding institutions, public as well as private, to account and promoting transparency including in finance; (ii) raising awareness of societal issues; (iii) delivering services to people to meet education, health, food and security needs; (iv) implementing disaster management, preparedness and emergency response; (v) bringing expert knowledge and experience to shape policy and strategy; (vi) giving power to the marginalized; and (vii) encouraging citizen engagement.

5.        The ability to raise concerns, influence government policies and create meaningful dialogue between policy-makers and the public will not come easy but will find their way through. More people than ever before are already able to inform the governments everyday about what they think is wrong and what is right (e.g., issues concerning civil service salary increase are live).  As more substantive issues will come and start to produce outcomes, more people will be motivated to take this route. On those accounts people will always be ahead and will have upper hand eventually. No doubt about it.

6.            Amnesty International, for example, is experimenting with a form of artificial intelligence (machine learning) looking into areas such as policing, criminal justice, the development of autonomous tools and its possible impacts on rights to work and earn a living. The WWF is developing aerial drone technology, animal tracking devices and infrared cameras to fight against illegal poaching of endangered species.

7.        Others have taken partnership approach. For example UNICEF has created bot software for young people to be engaged on social media platforms. Its U-Report is gaining impetus as a free SMS social monitoring tool, and assesses how young people feel about important issues based on responses to SMS polls and alerts. In 2015, U-Report helped uncover a scandal in which teachers were found to be exploiting children by awarding grades and pass marks in return for favours. Within 24 hours, 13,000 people responded that enabled appropriate action to be taken quickly. In another recent U-Report poll in three African nations, 94% of 34,000 children and young people called for concrete steps to end corruption and increase investment in services for children and their families. 

8.       President Barack Obama said "The challenge we have today in politics in every country is conforming facts to their opinions and biases, as opposed to shape their opinions based on facts." I am sure he was referring to far right political practice, more like an unwritten ideology. Even if it is ideology it is temporary, it cannot stand against the worldwide digital wave. Under the same tone Mr. Obama also said, "If you don't know what you stand for, what your values are and what you believe in; you also don't know what can be compromised and what can't be compromised, what is lasting values and what is situation and temporary."

9.            It is important to know what you stand for, what is lasting value and what is temporary. Temporary is temporary -- even if it is as big and alarming as far-rightist movement in the west that most believe is triggered by events that undermined faith in the mainstream parties and led to a far-left backlash -- and do not last. Everyone knows. We have the genes to cooperate, to remodel and harmonize peacefully and to weigh the costs of discord against its benefits. We must move smooth or will get moved  ruffled, for what it is worth!!!