Monday, April 30, 2018


1.    The year 2018 is set to be year of elections worldwide. In queue are a number of countries[1]The Italians and Russians have voted in March. No political party won out-right majority in Italy and the political chaos continues. In Russia it was all about Vladimir Putin who won his second consecutive (fourth overall) term in office with 77% of the vote. And so continue the elections and political distinctness.......showing signs in some countries of evolving far-right politics.

2.    In politics the process of electing leaders varies widely, more so after digitization influence - the sensation of smartphone era - came into play.  I wonder what it would be like in AI (Artificial Intelligence) age. And the understanding of an election varies from person to person. I look election in Bhutan through pretty simple angle: a process of electing legislators, possibly the best among the candidates even though best candidate getting elected through electoral process in other countries is too idealistic a notion. And we have seen apolitical bazaar, geographical concourse and even theological undertones in recent National Council election. Haven't we?

3.    In the process of making laws, legislators should understand and anticipate political and policy landscapes and development profiles in and outside the country, and be sensitive to emerging duality: one with concentration of intense responsibilities with feeble structured support machinery, and other executive functionary with frail accountability often shying away from core responsibility. Also, the pace of shift from right-wing politics,  politics-people disconnect and bureaucracy "floating and fishing" on hierarchical dysfunctionality are key issues.

4.    The election need not be zero-sum game. Why can't politics be positive-sum process competing to work together? Both winners and losers (one leading other supporting) proactively participate in flourishing democracy, economy and society and equally derive benefits through nation’s progress? I mean through nation's progress, not resources at source. Why don't the politicians understand that in politics close embrace of opponents proves extremely effective in diminishing the misplaced appeals of both even in highly chaotic world of politics and governance? 

5.    In Bhutan politics and governance need not be messy like in many big economies, not if we choose so, are willing to work hard and in right way, yes the right "way", and address also the conflicts of interests all along. There is no need for the voters to carry the partisan baggage after the election is over. Once EVM
[2] button is pressed, it should be the end of the five-year "over" and every one should congregate towards achieving common mission. Unfortunately it is not. They do carry partisan stigma, and backpack it quite seriously, even emotionally, dividing friends and families. The important question is why should the people feel compelled to curry favour with politicians.

6.    I have never registered myself as member of a political party. The pseudo-nationalistic ideologies (casual common platform) do not fascinate me. I loathe partisan politics. The issues of national importance do not seem to penetrate the core of mainstream politics. It is, as usual, downplay or even sweep-under-the-carpet of the inconvenient truths, and an embedded hope that things will work out for better. These seem the main reason why politics is not a positive-sum process even in Bhutan. Addressing the US Congress on 25 April 2018 French President Emmanuel Macron said, "Without reason and without truth there is no real democracy. Because democracy is about true choices and rational decisions."

7.    The mobilization of combined efforts of both election winners and losers into policy making apparatus is easier said than done. But not impossible if only it is backed by new standards, new rules and new ethic of governance to have space for elected leaders, their supporters and opponents to come together, cooperate and not allow partisan self-serving agendas that undermine the national interests to dictate. Effective leadership demands not only boldness but also requires to exercise restraint when holding back is toughest thing to do. Also it requires analytical depth and dimensions to take opposition alternatives on board, and manage the political shift towards center which some how is inevitable in modern world.

8.    Failures of others to act is no excuse for one’s inaction, and that during difficult times leaders - if they really hope to lead - must be ready to act and  not be afraid to face calculated consequences. I hope we are electing leaders, even if they are not of the caliber I have in mind here. It is too naive to address the action based only on what is told, reported or just for a sideshow rather than after analyzing the causes and consequences of such action and addressing the causes. The true leaders do not put on the table nation's interest, prestige and dignity.

9.    The understanding of the nation’s mission and vision cannot be different, but the ways to achieve the national vision may differ depending on the ideologies of the political parties. The key word is "achieve", not make it up. I do not know why I get an impression that the politicians do not get it. The reason why their focus center only around the “way” that enable them use/misuse of state resources through political power for individual and/or political gains but not on policies and ideas that give rise to the right "way" and the mission to achieve the national objectives and goals. Have you heard any politician saying anything on these lines? I have heard none. And the reason why partisan politics has started to gain momentum.

10.    Without right policies and regulations, and their strong enforcement; easy money flow into the system with loose accountability is not only spoiling segments of bureaucracy and society but also contaminating youth attitudes while the youths of today in rich countries are becoming more alert and responsive. The cover-up of misdeeds parroting nationalism that has no analytical bearing on national interest, mission and aspiration is laying very weak governance foundation. The general disconnect with people and bureaucratic sleaziness are quite common. The reasons why polarization is gaining momentum, and also we see more and more activities geared towards partisan politics. It is up to you to analyze the seriousness of these in an environment we live today.

11.    In this regard we cannot assume human behavior towards politics to improve - not in the least, if it is offshoots of political patronage - through education, not even over experience. There are two ways to change: either institute deterrence-based system or prepare for misdeeds in advance by eliminating opportunities for misuse of power and authority (Singapore model). 

12.    In early 1960s Singapore had neither sizable markets or industry to build on nor commodities or other natural resources to exploit. Most Singaporeans were poorly educated, and about 50% lived in slums. The place was malarial swamp. As a result conditions at independence was grim. Then Singapore realized quickly how to turn its poverty of resources into an asset by giving its leaders the freedom to think and act radically including in good governance giving excellent reliability and predictability, and constructing comprehensive anticorruption systems the world has ever seen. This was a major politcal shift towards the center and the shift continues even today. It was the only way out for them. And I do not need to tell you more about today's Singapore where added emphasis on collective wisdom and leadership is being strategised and how political shift is being managed. 

13.    In today's political environment when you vote, look for one who cares more about policies and ideas, and less about politics. Almost a radical with buck-stops-here sense of responsibility for the constituency's welfare, and with ruthless determination to do whatever to advance it. A typical pragmatist who is not bothered by handicaps of politics. Also idealists only trust and therefore are ineffective. Look for realists. They trust and verify through even system of checks and balances. In plain language 'Vote for Best Candidate, Do not Vote for Political Party' in Primary Round. Meaning cast your primary round votes based on qualities and credibilities of candidates, but not based on issues presented by political parties because no party has addressed the issues of national importance (how they will address the mounting debt, how they will mobilize massive finance required for huge programs/projects they pledge/promise all over, what are the issues that stiffle economic development and how they will be addressed, and others).

14.  Do you believe bureaucrats retired/resigned from service fill the bill? Not necessarily. They mostly are far-rightists with very little to offer in managing the smooth and inclusive governance enabling political shift to a point that is best suited for the nation today. The more you take control of the shift and manage its pace and position, better it is. 

15.    Therefore, let us give full support to merit-based candidates and give absolutely no regard to the notion that which party should form the next government. The government formation on collective wisdom and leadership is best for us. It is hard but not impossible, and will reject/reduce all political party-based implicit biases. If people are fully committed to meritocracy rather than party-based dirty game, the possibility hinges on the question that if the rule of law is serving the best interest of Tsa-Wa-Sum (King, Country and People). If not let constitutional experts clear/open "the way" forward. I do not see any reason why the ministers cannot be selected based on merits from both ruling and opposition parties. 

16.    The politics seems moving virtually blind-folded, and needs to be shown the light of the day. Individual diligence and devotion to the nation’s mission have never been more necessary. Its a question of finding ways to consolidate democracy, accountability and rule of law.

17.    Therefore cast your vote judiciously, it’s my future. More importantly for millennials
: my vote, your future!

Every wish cannot be fulfilled
Don't you toss-up the crystal bulb
Neither your indifference is an option,
nor luck coins the future
The way to predict it, is to create


Destiny will bear no guilt of your inaction 
and my reticence
For reason now you understand not
that far more powerful than fear,
the motivators are 
guilt and affection!

[1] Malaysia (May), Cambodia (July), Mexico (July), Bhutan (April, September), Japan (September), Brazil (October), United States (November), Thailand (November) and others. 
[2]  EVM = Electronic Voting Machine.

"Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today." - Ernest Hemingway


  1. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has suffered a stunning election loss to former leader Mahathir Mohamad. At 92 he is set to become the World's oldest PM. The experts say Najib was still playing the bribery game -- you give me your vote, I give you this or that. Mahathir, on the other hand, came across as a statesman and appealed to Malay dignity.

  2. "..Bhutan's overtures to China under then PM JigmeThinley were said to be the real reason India in 2013 cut all subsidy on cooking gas and kerosene it provided to Bhutan leading to a crisis in the country.

    The victory of Tshering Topgay's Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) though in the election the same year led to quick settlement of the issue and before anti-India sentiments could be fanned. In 2018 though, if the new Bhutan government does turn out to be hostile, India will be wary of adopting such measures as any diplomatic overkill could see it playing right into the hands of China."

  3. The far-right party with roots in the neo-Nazi movement has come in between Prime Minister Stefan Löfven's ruling centre-left Social Democrats (and its allies) and center-right block for a deadlock result in Swedish general election. This has created a political uncertainity.

    In addition to Italy, Norway, Austria and Finland, the populists may be part of the government in Sweden as well.
